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April 2004 News

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Weekly Development News (April 26, 2004) - April 27, 2004

New Vehicle Variants

Yesterday, Sporkfire posted his Weekly Development Activities on the official forums.

Of note are the upcoming vehicle variants for the Basilisk ATV and Deliverer transport, the AMS

redesign to help ease terminal crowding, and Empire Incentives. Some cool things are coming to Planetside in a few weeks. Go read the post now for more details

You may also view the Empire News Headlines section for empire-specific news.

Site Updates - April 16, 2004

  • New concept screenshot on Voice Macro icons is in the Wishful Patch Notes section.
  • You may have noticed that Idealab has a new logo. This is undergoing some design tweaks.
  • Empire Headlines now have all recruitment and 'weapon showcase' banners up. The vehicle banner will become an animated gif or flash piece eventually, showing each Empire's unique weaponry.
  • Empire News menu is up. Whenever a perticular Empire is affected, the news will be posted here for quick reference.
  • Various forum links have been updated to point to the new official forums.
  • A Planetside Icon has been added to the Wishful Patch Notes. A glowing blue icon signifies an idea that happens to be in actual development (e.g. Armor bars), while a non-glowing icon signifies a wished feature that has already gone Live (after the entry was posted)..
  • A stand-in button has been added on the right-side menu for the Planetside Community Request and Feature Tracking List, located on the offical forums. This list is a running tally of frequent Planetside requests by the community. It is updated every week with the most freqeuently asked requests posted by the players.

More updates to come....'s AGN Community Night! - April 10, 2004

April 2004, Community Night

AGN Community Night is coming on the 16th of April to our host, Planetside-Universe. Head on over to PSU for more details.

New Poll is up and March Poll Results are In! - April 10, 2004

Last month's poll was, "Choose which improvement would most benefit your playtime in the Ceryshen snow?"

Lower the mountains, the slopes are too steep - 14%
Improve the roads so it's easier to get around - 12%
Add narrow footpaths just for soldiers on foot - 42%
Let us "ski" across the landscape - 26%
Bring back the Christmas trees - 6%

Thank you, to the 242 road-weary troopers, for voting in March's poll.

Remember to check out April's poll: How long have you been playing Planetside?



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