Interface v1.1
[updated 4.15.2004]
Crosshair features
General HUD features (NEW concept
Vehicle HUD Features
Squad HUD Features
Command HUD Features
Cert-specific HUD Features (NEW
concept screens)
Radar Map Improvements
Global Map Features (NEW concept
Command Squad Map Features
MP3 Support
Planetside Forums and MyPlanetside
Chat Improvements
New Voice Macros
New Email and Outfit Message Features
Crosshair features
- Crosshairs will no longer turn red or
green when targeting a backback. Instead, they will turn orange
and teal, respectively. This will avoid confusion in targeting
concept art
in development
General HUD features
When an engineer unholsters a BANK, an armor bar will now appear
beneath the health bar of any player whose armor has been damaged.
This feature can be toggled on or off in the options window.
Bar appears when BANK is unholstered
- When in the Sanctuary, you can toggle
a HART timer window. To do the same on a continent requires the
Comtech cert.
concept art
in development
- The names of only Squad and Outfit members
can be toggled along with see name and see outfit.
concept art
in development
- Players who speak
a Need or Warning Voice Macro will have an appropriate
icon flash above their heads. Warning voice macros will flash
an exclamation point of the appropriate color (green, gold, orange,
or purple). Need messages will produce two white exclamation points
and a white icon between them of the service needed (passenger,
gunner, hacker, heal, repair, etc.). These can be toggled to stay
hidden when a macro is spoken.

- Players will see a red exclamation point
when an enemy player shoults a voice macro warning. Players may
not hear the warning in their speakers, but will see the icon
and know the enemy has been alerted to something.
- If you hold your crosshairs over a target
and press the location key, the grid location will appear above
the target.
Vehicle HUD Features
- Aircraft can now toggle an artificial
horizon window, made of simple white lines. This feature is located
to the left of the targeting reticle opposite the Altimeter. Default
toggle is on.
HUD Concept #1 (50kb)
Aircraft HUD
Concept #2 (50kb)
- Enemy aircraft
(aside from Mosquitos at 50% power) flying within a friendly SOI's
radar coverage will light up on friendly aircraft HUDs with a
tracking diamond. These tracking icons will move in front of,
at top and bottom, and on either side of your screen so defending
aircraft know the general orientation of enemy aircraft.
of zone radar features
of zone radar
view of zone radar features
- Tank vehicles have tracking of friendly
squad vehicles and enemy contacts within visual range only out
to a certain distance.
- Drivers can
now view their vehicle health and ammo from their vehicle pane.
Drivers now also view the vehicle
trunk with a button in the vehicle pane, rather than having to
hit the "G" key near a repair terminal.
Vehicle Pane Concept
AMS Vehicle Pane
Visit this
thread here, to view the initial discussion that prompted
these images. Thanks to maccx for the topic and Fort4Law
for the additional ideas. (p.s. I'm still debating whether to
put in a remote deploy/undeploy button for the AMS vehicle pane)
Squad HUD Features
Each squadmember box will now show additional
information such as distance from player, action icon with timer
for how long the action will take place (hacking, repairing, healing),
vehicle icon denoting what conveyance the squadmember is in and
whether s/he is driving, gunning, or just a passenger. Flash
Demo in development
Command HUD Features
- Players will now have the option to create
a Command Squad. This squad is an organizational and communication
tool for those wishing to lead assaults. It is also necessary
to be able to send globals and continental chats to other players.
A player with a command rank must Command
Invite another commander to create a Command Squad (CS). The CS
can now create a Task Force by inviting other squads and platoons
into the new group. Any globals or continent chats will be heard
by the unit leaders of the Task Force and no one else.

You can read more about these concepts
in the New
Command Abilities section.
- Commander's List will now show only the
commanders who are leading units. Task Forces and their leaders
are named first, followed by Platoons and their leaders, and finally
Squads and their leaders.
The Task Force listing is organized so
any commander can see who is leading it and what platoons and
squads have signed up for it. Unit Leaders may request an invite
or accept one from the Task Force's Command Squad members.
List HUD Concept (38kb)
You can read more about these concepts
in the New
Command Abilities section.
Flash Demo to be created.
You may also see ZeusPrime and Hayoo's
Command Squad thread for further details and discussions.
Cert-specific HUD
- Engineers, with a nano-gun unholstered,
will see any vehicle damaged below 25% as a flashing triangle
on their proximity map.
concept art
in development
- Boomers will now have a number hovering
over each deployable for easy locating. Detonators will also be
numbered to correspond to it's linked boomer.
You will only see the boomer number on
your Cont Map if you have its detonator in your inventory. Discarding
a detonator removes it from the map.
- Combat Engineering ACEs will now be listed
in a new HUD window showing how many of each type has been placed
and how many deployables are left.
HUD Concept (94kb)
See Global
Map Improvements for comments on viewing placed CE deployables.
- When driving
an AMS, an icon will appear on your HUD when you can deploy the
vehicle, much like the liberator bomb icon appears in the bottom
of the screen.
Radar Map Improvements
- Enemy missiles on radar will now show
as orange on the map and Friendly missiles will appear as teal.
concept art
in development
- Maximum Range a vehicle's weapons can
be toggled to appear in radar display as a yellow arc.
concept art
in development
- There is now a toggle to show unit battleplans
on the proximity map when it is zoomed out fully.
concept art
in development
Global Map Features
- A player's vehicle will now show up on
the continent map.
as seen on Proximity Radar
Vehicle as seen
on Continent Map
- All contacts
that appear on your poximity map, and only those contacts, will
now appear on your continent map. To view a wider range of contacts,
you must zoom out your proximity radar.
Radar data
Radar data as
it appears on the Continent Map
- Hovering your mouse over a point on the
map or waypoint reveals grid location.
concept art
in development
- Entering a grid location in a new search
field will set a personal waypoint on the map in that spot.
Tower SOI's are now visible on map at any zoom.
- Players can toggle a false-color topographpical
map of a continent to more easily view important changes in terrain.
concept art
in development
- Continent maps will
now show your CE deployables as yellow to distinguish from white
friendly deployables.
with markers
marked on Continent Map
Command Squad Map
- Command Squad members can view all ANTs
and AMSs in their Task Force at all times without the need for
Reveal Friendlies.
- Commanders can toggle various icons on
their global map such as Squad symbols (armor, air, infantry),
commander locations, ANT locations, and AMS locations.
MP3 Support
- Players now have access to a new HUD
window where they can import and play MP3s. Features include playlists,
sorting to gameplay triggers, and more.
Forums and MyPlanetside
Preview and edit buttons for the forums has been added.
Chat Improvements
- Vehicle chat is now availabe with the
/v command.
- Auto-replies for chat. Enter /afk and
any /tells to you will be replied with "that player is away
from keyboard" or if you have died, "that player will
respawn in X seconds."

- Players may change the opacity of any
interface window on the HUD.
Chat channels can now be split among different chat windows.
Chat channels can now have sub-channels with different permissions
for customization between units.
- Private Empire channels are also available
to players.
- More filters have been added to customize
your kill spam window, command, and broadcast chats.
- New Task Force chat channels (with permissions
set by the Command Squad):
MedNet (Medical Net) - Accessible
when you die. Chat is a broadcast to players certed in Medic and
higher that reaches to half the radius of an SOI.
AirNet (Air Support Net) - Chat
is a broadcast to all flying aircraft in a radius of an SOI.
LogNet (Logistics Net) - Chat
is a broadcast to all ANT and AMS drivers sitting behind the
wheel. Radius is twice the size of SOI from player.
- Alliance chat has been added with the
inclusion of alliances. Permissions are set by Outfit Leaders
in the organization.
New Voice Macros
Tactical Macros -
I'm on it |
Bail Out |
Move Out |
Go Go Go! |
Hold Position |
I'm in Position |
Tango Down |
Fire at Will |
Tallyho! |
Weapons Hot |
Macro Updates -
Destroy their AMS |
I will deploy defenses |
I will repair our AMS |
Defend the AMS |
Incoming Air Transport! |
Warning Macros -
Take Cover! |
Ambush! |
Taking enemy fire! |
Taking friendly fire! |
Fire in the hole! |
Evasive Action! |
Incoming! |
You've got one on your
tail! |
Need Macros -
Request Reinforcements |
I am repairing you |
Request Transport |
I am healing you |
I'm running low! |
Hold Still |
I am out of ammo |
That was my last round |
Social Macros and Emotes -
Hooyah! |
That way (pointing) |
Mommy! |
For the Empire! |
Nevermind |
Get in |
Cya! |
Cuts hand across
throat |
New Email and Outfit
Message Features
- New Outfit bulletin board and in-game
email feature has been added. Inbox will flash subtly if you have
a message waiting. In-game email and bulletin board is available
for viewing through MyPlanetside.
- Outfit Leaders can now set a Current
Objective message to appear when players log on, rather than having
them check their outfit pane.