These concepts are for entertainment only and are in no way an official
SONY concept for Planetside.
Syncronization with Idealab Forum concepts In Progress
to view WIP section on how NTU changes work.
Also check out this official forum thread for more graphics.
- ANTs now convert NTUs from a warp gate
into 5x5 power cells that are stored in its trunk. The power cells
can then be removed from the ANT and transported via personal or
alternate vehicle inventory. The NTUs may be transfered directly
into an NTU Silo if the player has the Engineering
cert and Nano-dispenser tool equipped. This manual transfer
takes 50% longer to complete than using an ANT.

Alternate optoins for NTU
Trunk (43kb)
NTU powercells
concept (42kb)

- AMS supply now runs off of NTU source when
in enemy territory, such as a base SOI. Once depleted, AMS terminals
only provide up to Agile armor, Standard Assault weapons, and basic

How territory control affects
Supply and NTU need
- Vehicles now have a capacitor or battery
that is depleted as the vehicle moves about. Once it is depleted,
a vehicle rolls to a stop or crash lands. The capcitor also powers
enhancement modules, called System Upgrades, which are installed
only by an Advanced
Technician. These Upgrades boost various aspects of a vehicle
performance at the cost of reduction in other aspects.

- Vehicles have many options and locations to replenish their capacitors. They can refuel at:
- Warpgates or Geowarps
- ANTs
- Engineers with nano-gun
- Lodestars
- Base Repair/Rearm Silos
- Tower Repair/Rearm Silos
- Landing Pad (Air only)

details and more Illustrations on how the NTU changes work.