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General Broadcast - August 12, 2004 |
Section leaders
report for a Science briefing at 0100. Planetary anomalies
have been detected and you are being informed of what we
know. Suggest to your troops that they should secure their
gear and set brakes on any standing vehicles. This is a
secured briefing.
TR Overwatch Transmission
Retrofits and Improvements - July 19, 2004 |
"The Office
of the OverWatch has at long last authorized improvements
to your technology! The Mother Republic will advance once again,
in lockstep and unison, in a way that strengthens our people!
No rushing blindly into the beyond as our rash and arrogant
enemies do, but unified forward progress together!"
- MAX Armor
MAX armor now has its own damage table. Most weapons will
do the same damage that they did to the MAX as they did under
the previous table, with two exceptions: The Decimator and
Proximity mines.
The Decimator's damage against MAX armor has been reduced.
It will now require three shots to destroy a MAX unit (though
the New Conglomerate's shield will provide enough coverage
to extend this slightly).
- Proximity Mines will no longer
destroy MAXes in one explosion. MAX armor will be able to
survive a blast from a mine, but will be heavily damaged.
- Dual Cycler
The Dual Cycler's accuracy is being improved and its damage
is being increased by 20% both anchored and unanchored.
- Pounder
The Pounder's damage when anchored has been increased by approximately
- Prowler
The Prowler's 12mm Chainguns are being replaced with 15mm
chainguns, doubling its power against armor and substantially
increasing its power against aircraft.
- Galaxy
The Galaxy's 20mm Chainguns will now fire 50% faster.
TR Overwatch Transmission to learn more.
Vehicle Variants in Development - April 27, 2004 |

Working in tandem with the mercenary
arms contractor Common Pool Systems Inc. (CPS), Terran
Motors has been developing variant weapon systems
from existing vehicles. The first to be enhanced is the
Deliverer, a successful product by CPS,
designed to haul 1 driver, 2 gunners, and 3 passengers around
the battlefield and across bodies of water, armed with two deadly
20mm recoiless cannons. TR Motors
has since removed the 20mm off a prototype shell and replaced
them with 4 newly developed 15mm guns. Engineers are calling
this new variant the Raider.
Says CPS spokesman Mr. V. W. Sporkfire,
"The Terran Republic Raider
features four 15mm chainguns. The new 15mm ammo does equal damage
to infantry and armor, and tears through aircraft. With a full
gun-crew, the Raider will be fearsome on the battlefield."
A second common pool vehicle, the Basilisk
ATV, is having it's dual 12mm guns replaced with the Hellfire
Rocket Launcher. The new vehicle variant is being called the
Fury. Spokesman Sporkfire comments, "The Hellfire
is a fixed-forward firing rocket, so aiming it is a matter of
steering the Fury until the reticule is over the target.
Although it cannot pivot from side to side, the Hellfire can
aim up or down."
Rumors abound that the NC and VS are
also developing their own empire-specific variants. High
Command has made no comment on the existance of these enemy
weapons systems. Several investigating reporters went missing
after disloyally questioning our undefeated commanders.
TR R&D Transmission to learn more.
Reorganize Continents with Capitols - April 10, 2004 |

The Terrain
Republic High Command has been re-organizing Republic
assets in the face of increasing terrorist activites. What this
means, soldiers, is each continent will possess a Capitol
Building from which our leadership will direct your glorious
These bases are of utmost importance
and shall be defended with your very lives from the enemy...or
you will be punished for your failure. Regrettably we have learned
that the terrorist organization, the New
Conglomerate, has also begun fortifying bases as
Capitols. They have also begun organizing Sub-Capitols
as strategic defense points. We must do the same and secure
our bases back from them.
Update: Terran
secret agents have learned that the Vanu
Sovereignty also created Capitols, but also
developed Force Dome technology to protect them. Our
heroic forces have secure this technology but in the process
have learned that the Vanu freaks have severely altered the
ever important Warp Gate links with their outlawed experimentation.
An accident has turned them into Broadcast Warpgates,
allowing our forces to quickly mobilize to any continent we
hold a Capitol Building. High Command is wary of this
being good fortune and are continuing to monitor the situation.
Secure the Capitol Buildings at all cost. Trust in your
comrades. Trust in the Republic.
Loyalty until Death.
High Command Transmission to learn more.
Republic Weapon Upgrades: UPDATED - February 11, 2004 |
Loyal and motivated Terran
Republic R&D weapons designers
went back to the drawing board on several of our combat systems
and are making startling breakthroughs. We may not have to shoot
them after all. Here are the projects under development.
Reinforced Exosuit - Increased
armor and damage absorbtion.
Vehicle handling improvements
- ANT: Substantial improvement to
gear ratio.
- Basilisk: Slight improvement to
gear ratio.
- Wraith: Slight improvement to gear
- Harasser: Substantial improvement
to gear ratio, increased top speed to 80 kph.
- Skyguard: Substantial improvement
to gear ratio, increased top speed to 80 kph.
- Marauder: Substantial
improvement to gear ratio, increased top speed to 75
kph, decreased collision damage.
- Deliverer: Slight improvement to gear ratio, decreased
collision damage.
- Lightning: Increased top speed to 75 kph.
- Galaxy: Increased top speed to 85 kph.
Pounder MAX - Reclassified
as an Anti-Vehicle Max. Increased clip capacity from 20
to 50. Ammo boxes will hold 100 rounds instead of 50.
Ammo changed to armor-piercing.
Dual-Cycler MAX -
Reclassified as an Anti-Infantry MAX.
Burster MAX - Only
direct-damage allowed against non-aircraft.
MAX (all) - Anchor time
Decimator - Recertified into the Anti-Vehicle weapons
Mines - Proximity mines do 50% more vehicle damage.
Hand Grenades - Will now ship in clips of 3 each.
Implants - R&D is looking to improve implant
- Stamina drain from the Range Magnifier and Enhanced
Targeting implants has been removed.
- The stamina drain on the Personal Shield implant has
been decreased to approximately one third. Damage still
reduces the shield on a one-for-one stamina cost. This
change only reduces the cost of leaving it on.
- Advanced Regeneration and Advanced Targeting have
been renamed to Regeneration and Enhanced Targeting.
Ammo Boxes
- Inventory adjustments in the works.
- Striker ammo increased
from 5 to 15 shots per box
- Rocklet ammo increased from 6 to 15 shots per
- Thumper ammo increased from 6 to 12 shots per
- Bolt driver ammo increased from 5 to 10 shots
per box
- Hand grenades come in clips of 3
- Shotgun shells reduced from 30 to 16 shots
per box
- Basalisk 12mm clip size decreased from 250 to 100
- Harrasser 12mm clip size decreased from 250 to 150
- Lightning 12mm clip size decresed from 250 to 150
- Mosquito 12mm clip size decreased from 250 to 150
- Deliverer 20mm clip size decresed from 250 to 100
- Marauder Mortar clip
sized increased from 20 to 50
- Marauder 12mm clip size
decreased from 250 to 150
- Liberator 25mm clip size decreased from 250 to 150
- Prowler 12mm clip size
decreased from 250 to 200
- 150mm ammo decreased from 100 to 50 per box
- 20mm ammo increased from 100 to 200 per box
- 12mm ammo increased from 100 to 300 per box
- Liberator bomb ammo increased from 10 to 20
per box
- 25mm ammo increased from 100 to 150 per box
- Marauder Mortar ammo
increased from 50 to 100 per box
TR R&D Transmission
Updated R&D Transmission
updated 2-11-2004
Restrictions Initiated - February 6, 2004 |
To maintain
a tighter control on resources, the
Terran Republic Overwatch
ordered a limit on logistical support
to troops advancing into the continents. Commanders are
now restricted to a maximum number of personnel and equipment
they may transfer through the gates to each continent. While
High Command acknowledged this will allow the other empires
to field at least as large a fighting force as ours, commanders
are confident their saturation-fire weaponry will maintain
any tactical advantage on the battlefield.
TR Overwatch Transmission