All Planetside images,
logos, and sounds are the property of
Coming Site Updates - March 25, 2004 |
Having arrived back in town, more updates
for the site will be coming soon. Here are some of the entries
on my To-Do list:
- More items and concept graphics
for the Wishful Patch Notes section
- Empire Headlines section updates
(Capitols, Upcoming developments, and more)
- Completion of game-info pages such
as Weapons, Certs, Story Background, Continents, and such
- Initiate Picture of the Week feature
- Update links to new Official Forums
- Create logo for Planetside-Idealab.com
- Squad-composition charts for Field
- Chat diagrams explaining type and
range of communication options
- Announcements for PSU and Planetside
news updates as they are posted
- Squad HUD flash demo
- New icons for the Wishful Patch
Notes section to mark concept entries that the Developers
happen to be bringing to the game
- Begin entering content and diagrams
for NTU Changes, Deployable Emplacements, Urban Areas, and
Empire Tech Level sections in the Idea Terminal
- More diagrams detailing the Command
Squads/Task Forces concepts
Introducing Command Squads - March 15, 2004 |
Command Squads is a concept developed
by ZeusPrime and myself, designed to better facilitate command
and control on the Planetside battlefield.
Command Squads allow the creation of
Task Forces which can hold an unlimited number of Squads and
individual players for greater coordination of planetary campaigns.
This feature would allow players to choose an overall commander
and be aware of the location of, and confer with, fellow squads
and platoons across the globe.
Check out the Command
Abilities section in the Idea Terminal to learn more about
the concept.
Site and Wishful Patch Notes Updates - March 12, 2004 |
Site Updates:
Rearranged right-side links for easier
viewing and also repositioned the POTW graphic in anticipation
of starting that feature up soon.
Opened NTU
Changes section in the Idea Terminal with current ANT
information. Walkthrough and diagrams to follow, as well as
changes to how the AMS functions on the battlefield in relation
to Urban Areas.
Added acknowledgement for site hosting
by Planetside-Universe.com. Thanks guys!
Wishful Patch Notes section updates:
Changes (log-out/log-in spawn restrictions)
abilities (added support cert info)
improvements (Voice Macros)
World visual improvements (added blurb for roadsigns)
Site Reorganzation and Additions - March 7, 2004 |
Some reorganization has taken place
in the Training Center. The entries will be split into three
sections: an Auraxin Infopedia, dealing with basic
info on the empires, continents, and facilities; Basic
Training, instructing players on the interface, weapons,
and certs; and the Field Manual, where players learn
about Squads, Outfits, and field maneuvers.
Stay tuned for the coming opening of
the Training Center.
Several additions to the site include
a new future section called the Idea Emporium, a place
where members of the community will be able to post their
concept artwork and ideas by catagory for easy browsing.
Other additions include a nav bar link
to Empire-Specific News, and a Help Wanted section.
Poll Results are In! - March 7, 2004 |
Who will be left standing at the Auraxin
Football League's Weapons-Required Super LLU Bowl? 336 of
you troopers picked your favorite teams and placed your bets:
Terran Republic Loyalists - 33%
New Conglomerate Freedom Fighters - 29%
Vanu Sovereignty Chosen Ones - 23%
Haven't the stomach for betting on these massacres - 15%
Thank you, all you bloodthirsty troopers, for voting in February's
Thanks to Destroyeron for this month's
poll: Improvements to Ceryshen.
p.s. Attention, all Vanu Sovereignty
initiates: Please deliver your prototype bodies to the High
Chamber of Guiding Evolution upon rebirth for mandatory Toenail
Augmentation and Shading. Technology Equals Might!
New Patch Notes Update! - March 5, 2004 |

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