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Future of Planetside
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Compilation of Ideas, Improvements, and Wishlists
Source of all entries: "Future of Planetside" Ideas Discussion thread by Bixiebopper
Save Planetside
Core Combat
* Short-term Possible Project: Discussion Thread
* Long-term Possible Project: Discussion Thread
* Added to Planetside or In Development
Save Planetside
- Provide free Fodder Accounts
- Advertise the game to gamers (print, TV, net, Happy Meals)
- Free trials
- Promotions for vets
- More payment options
- Steam or other delivery option
Gameplay Ideas
- Performance patches
- * Fix bugs
- Improve graphics
- New engine
- DX9
- * Replace Health incentives with Respawn incentives
- * Dynamic rotation of continents
- Base redesigns
- Additional objectives
- Unbend Auraxis
- * Bring back Oshur
- Broadcast gates direct to Core
- More weather
- Ability to make more cover for infantry
- Reward for defending Home continents
- Urban Warfare areas (above ground)
- Emphasis Empire Stats over Personal Stats
- Allow players to drag friendlies if authorized
- Don't let backpacks disappear while being looted
Weapon and Equipment Ideas
- * Reduce Plasma spam
- TR MAX lockdown improvements
- TR AA MAX improvements
- New weapons or variants
- Reduce Rexo armor or absorbtion
- * More deployable types, new mines
- * Swappable barrels or ammo for wall turrets
- Tweak Personal Shield stamina drain
- More implant types
- Increase drain on implants when jumping
- Machine-gun type squad support weapon
- Base-specific weapons
- * Grenade holster
- * Support equipment holster
Vehicle Ideas
- * Remove/Nerf Flight Variant abilities
- * Make FV 2-man
- * Make FV vulnerable to AA weaponry
- Swappable weapons for vehicles
- Garages to store a few vehicles with their loadouts
- Empire Specific aircraft
- Sunderer usefulness improvements
- Buff assault buggies
- Prevent pilots from bailing over enemy SOI
- Buff desireablity of transport vehicles
- More unique vehicles (ES and CP)
- Better torque
- Watercraft
- * New variants
- Horn or Engine-revving for vehicle safety
- Weapons for vehicle gunners only
Command Ideas
- More RTS aspects or Top-down View
- Some kind of limits on CR5 spam
- Ability to "enlist" under a chosen commander
- * More organizational structures
- BF2/Tribes 2 style command interface
- Commander's List
- * Mission/Task system
- Ability to select a Lieutenant or Second for leadership assistance
Outfit Ideas
- * More customization and control: assign rank permissions
- Outfit Point expenditures
- Outift Alliances and channels
- Training areas
- Visible Outfit Ranks
- Outfit Leader chat
- Outfit Audit
Reward Ideas
- Merits show on MyPlanetside
- More statistical tracking
- More Merits tied to rewards
- Kill assists
- Merits displayed on vehicles
- Tie Color Alerts to an extra CEP bonus
- Monthly Campaign Winners
- Tower timers and XP
- Increase Base XP
Cert Ideas
- Remove Uni-MAX cert
- Increase cert costs for vehicles
- Recert timer reduction
- Cert-bundles generalizes players
- Swap the Basic and Advanced Hacking cert amounts
- ANT merits
- Monthly or Periodic recerts
- * Virus-upload ability for Hackers
Core Combat Ideas
- Broadcast gates direct to Caverns
- Add spawn points similiar to towers
- IFF locks on doors
- Instant Action to the Caverns
- Remove aircraft from caves
Interface Ideas (a few from Idealab)
- Teamspeak voice indicators
- Visible hacking progress bar for CCs and IFFs
- Color-coded REK beams
- In-game MP3 player
- Let Adv Medics see location of dead people in 1st person
- Allow drivers to view trunk or ammo from Vehicle Pane
- Deployables tracker/counter for CE
- Viewable Text message under vehicle names
- AMS deployability icon
- Visible timer on hacked terminals
- Health bars for damaged spawn tubes, terminals, and generators
- View own deployables on map in seperate color
- View numbered boomers on map
- HART timer window in sanctuary or timers above building doors
- Change Squad Bar colors/symbols to show members are in vehicles
- Vehicle chat
- Toggle for truncated Kill-spam and Capture-spam messages
- More Voice Macros (text only)
- Remove or Toggle GUI Alpha transparencies
- Toggle for waypoints blocking view
- See enemy Outfit names
- Toggle for that Player (talk to, invite, add to friends) Menu
- "Drop current item" key
Other Ideas
- More funding for Planetside
- Hire more programmers and artists
- Support Stats sites
, XML feeds
- News ticker at HART building
- Use for Orbital Station (command or outfits, etc.)
- More attention to MyPlanetside like EQII
- If the President is going to mention the game lineup in SOE-wide announcements, mention PS too, not just EQ and SWG.
- Friends list outside of game
- Add development-related surveys and polls to login or logout
- Bring back Meeting Halls in Sanctuaries
- More Game Lore
Other Community Idea Sources:
PS Development Discussion - by the entire PS Community for over a year
The "Cream of the Crop Thread" - by MR_Bloodworth
Planetside Request Tracker - by Hayoo
Planetside-Tracker.com Database - by Fr1day
Concept Division Forums and Wishlist - by the Idealab community
