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System Name : Utopia
Catagory: M-Class
Position in System: 4 (of 7)
Number of Moons: 3
Areas: 1 Continent
Planetary Benefit: Home Sanctuary

Climate: Temperate
Landmass: Continent
Terrain: Hills, lakes, woodlands, beaches
Facilities: 3
Capitol: New Conglomerate Orbital Station

The New Conglomerate Sanctuary island is secure from all enemy attacks. This island is a hub of ways to move about the Auraxian Planetary Web, as well as a safe place to meet and train.

The HART shuttle departs regularly and enables soldiers to use Drop Pods to streak down from orbit down to the target continent below. This is the fastest, safest way to travel to a new battlefield, however, vehicles cannot travel this way.

There are also Warpgates that let you travel directly to other continents. You can take vehicles through these Gates, so they're useful when masing attacks or moving support vehicles out of the Sanctuary.

Are you in need of hands-on training with any of the weapons or vehicles available to your Empire? Go to VR training around the corner from the Spawn Building doors.

And finally, there are three Villas around your Sanctuary island. Sometimes it's convenient to meet a friend at one of those Villas. To get there easily, step into one of the teleporters near the HART Shuttle building.





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